Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Evil of me

Can't Stand It Any More ..

Don't Let Me Get Angry ..

And ..

Let My Evil Out !!

Monday, December 14, 2009


دخيل البسمة لا تفارق شفاتي ..

ولاّ دخليها لا تفارق ناظري ..


نخيت الفرحة تعطر الاماكان ..

ولاّ خلها للورد في البساتن ..


كلام الحب بين الشفاه يغني غناه ..

ولاّ خل الغنى لأهل الأغاني ..


خل الأماني تضيع في دنيا الأماني ..

لا تزرع بذورها في أرض الأوهام ..


لقيت الأرض من يعيش عليها و يهيم في سماها ..

يضيع ..

و الأماني مخلوق يموت بسم الأيام ..


حرام ..

خلاص كافي أنا إنسان ميت ..

ما يحتاج أكفن بالأمل ميت ، و ادفنه معاه ..


" عط الخباز خبزه لو كله نصه "

يمكن حان الوقت إني اعطي الدنيا حقها

و لو انها كلت كل حقوقي وسحقت أحلامي ..


و "فمان الجرح يا ذيك السوالف "

"أنا مو تعبان انا ، انا دنيا من التعب " راحتها ..

بإيدي ..


Sunday, December 13, 2009

إلى عالم خيالي ..

يــبدو أنني ادمنت الوحدة ، فأصبحت اصنعها وسط الزحام ..
و يــبدوا ان السكوت طغى على كلامي ..
فــأصبحت اصنع من سكوتي كلام ..

أجــوب شوارع الزحام الخالية ..
أبــــحث عن مكان يصحصح أهدابي الناعسة ..

لعلي أأصل إلى زمن ..
أســـتطيع ان أوقف عنده حياتي المسرعة ..


قــــناع التناقضات ،إلى متى سأظل أضعه ؟..

الإبتسامات الساخرة ..
الــعيون الدامعة ..

أيــن أخفيها ؟

الــنظرة البائسة ..
التــفاؤلات الكاذبة ..

اجــهل كيف أذهبها ..


الأحــلام جميلة ..
إن ظــلت في عقولنا ..
لا تــتعدى حدود عالم الخيال ..

إلى تــلك الدنيا المحبوسة في أذهاننا ..
لتذهب كل احزاننا ..


دعوة إلى عالم الخيال ...

Friday, December 11, 2009

.. ما أبحرت ..

يا بسمة ارتسمت ، و فوقها دمعة .. أيهما أخفي؟ .. هل الدموع أبقى ؟ .. ام البسمة أطغي ؟

إن كنت حبيبي ساعدني كي أرحل عنك

أو كنت طبيبي ساعدني كي أشفى منك

لو أني أعرف أن الحب خطير جدا ما أحببت

لو أني أعرف أن البحر عميق جدا ما أبحرت

لو أني أعرف خاتمتي ما كنت بدأت

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

Virtues of Sins -3

Silent ..

As i woke up this morning and while i was stating at my self during brushing my teeth i suddenly stopped ..

putted the brush down , washed my mouth .. washed my face and get out of the bath , I went to my room to take my lap top as - usual - but i pulled my hand away from it ..

went down stairs , sat on the kitchen table made my self a warm cup of chocolate to drink ..and just sat their waiting ..

it's 6:28 a.m here comes my mum telling the house maid what to prepare for lunch today ,
6:30 she get out of the house and slammed that old wooden door of our house ..

sipped the last sip of my warm chocolate drink ..

its 6:40 a.m , now its my sister's time to go downstairs .. there she came,sat on the table in front of me , eating the same breakfast as usual .. toast , cheese ,and a glass of orange juice

6:45 a.m her school bus arrived .. took her bag and rushed out side and slammed the wooden door.

i stretched my arms and my back muscles..as i'm waiting for the last crew of the family to go out..

its 7:00 a.m , here goes my sister's shouting at may dad to rush , she came down to the kitched in a rush and took an orange juice to drink on her way to the school .. she went out through the door .. dad following her , and the wooden door was slammed again !!

No body noticed me , no body said "good morning "nor opening a conservation with me ..
it had me thinking ...

people will always be people even family well some day .. walk away and slam the door on your face.

you can imagine how many kinds of doors that will be closed infront you , because of people!!...

That's when i realized ;

you got to stand for your own , move around , create you own door ..

and instead of waiting people to walk away , simply Don't wait for any body !!


The feeling of wanting to "care for" or "being cared" by some one

may destroy you ..

may kill you ..

u may join to long line of those " broken hearted" people ..

and what a long line it is ..


What shall i do ?

what shall be done ?

i asked my self ...

Then , in the middle of my -silent-

a whisper answered me ..

"self centered ".

Yes , it is a new lesson in life


Learning to let people enter and leave your life easily , is one of the hardest lessons that life is trying to teach us , but yet the most important one to stay a live. "


part 3

when the silents steals the noises and emptiness takes over the place , you will know by then , its some thing bad going to happen ..
hiroshima on 1945 had that , and it was an nuclear bomb !!
now U.S who bombed them .. has collapsed in the
financial crisis.. and japan is raising up!!
Think again ..sooner or later , virtues of sins will accour , you just have to over come the disaster and every thing will be fine